May 09, 2023

2022/23 Argentina Soybeans 36% Harvested vs. 64% Average

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

The 2022/23 Argentina soybeans were 36.4% harvested as of late last week compared to 53.3% last year and 64.0% average. This represents an advance of 8.2% for the week. In the core production areas, the soybeans are 50-55% harvested with 20-50% harvested in southern Argentina and 5-10% harvested in far northern Argentina. The early planted soybeans were 50.8% harvested while the late planted soybeans were 5.6% harvested.

Soybean yields in Argentina continue to be highly variable. The average yield of the soybeans harvested thus far is 1,580 kg/ha (23.5 bu/ac). This represents a decline of 0.1 bu/ac compared to the prior week. The early planted soybeans are averaging 1,600 kg/ha (23.8 bu/ac) while the later planted soybeans are averaging 1,180 kg/ha (17.5 bu/ac). In western Buenos Aires and northern La Pampa, the average yield is 2,200 kg/ha (32.7 bu/ac) with a range of 1,200 to 3,000 kg/ha (17.8 to 44.7 bu/ac). In the southern core region, the average yield is 1,700 kg/ha (25.3 bu/ac).

The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange left their 2022/23 soybean estimate unchanged for the second week in a row at 22.5 million tons, but they hinted that it might move lower if the yields of the later planted soybeans do not improve.

Below is the soybean harvest progress in Argentina (black line) from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange.


The soybeans in Argentina were rated 63% poor/very poor, 35% fair, and 2% good/excellent as of late last week. The good/excellent percentage was down 1% from the prior week. The soil moisture for the soybeans was rated 51% short/very short and 49% favorable/optimum. The favorable/optimum percentage was up 1% compared to the prior week.

Below is the soybean condition rating in Argentina from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange for May 4, 2023.


2022/23 Argentina Soybean Ratings*

ConditionSoil Moisture
Poor/V. Poor %Good/Excellent %Short/V ShortFavorable/Optimum
Mar. 30, 2023 67 (15) 4 (31) 57 (18) 43 (80)
Apr. 5, 2023 66 (17) 4 (26) 54 (20) 46 (79)
Apr. 12, 2023 65 (15) 3 (24) 53 (17) 47 (79)
Apr. 20, 2023 64 (15) 3 (18) 51 (20) 49 (79)
Apr. 27, 2023 65 (15) 3 (18) 52 (18) 48 (79)
May 4, 2023 63 (17) 2 (14) 51 (22) 49 (77)

*Source: Buenos Aires Grain Exchange – Crop Condition & Development Stages