Sep 24, 2024

2024/25 Brazil Soybean Planting Off to a Slow Start

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Brazil's 2024/25 soybeans were 0.5% planted as of late last week compared to 1.6% last week and 1.5% average. Planting is off to a somewhat slow start due to primarily dry conditions in central Brazil.

The planting window for soybeans in Brazil is very forgiving. In central Brazil, soybeans can be planted well into November with no significant reduction in yield if the weather cooperates for the remainder of the growing season. One of the biggest concerns for late planted soybeans is the increased risk of soybean rust and the possibility that farmers may have to apply additional fungicide applications to keep the disease in check.

Mato Grosso - Farmers in Mato Grosso have planted a few isolated fields of irrigated soybeans. The Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) reported that 0.27% of the soybeans and been planted as of late last week compared to 1.82% last year and 0.84% average. The forecast for this week is only calling for isolated light showers and not enough to encourage farmers to start planting their soybeans.

A few farmers who are planning to plant safrinha cotton may risk planting their soybeans before an anticipated rain due to the shorter planting window for safrinha cotton. Due to low soybean prices, farmers in the state will try to reduce their costs by cutting back on fertilizer usge. If they had maintained good soil fertility, a one-year reduction in fertilizer usage should not impact yields if the weather cooperates.

Safras & Mercado is estimating the 2024/25 Brazil soybean crop at 171.7 million tons. They estimate that the soybean acreage will increase 2.1% to 47.4 million hectares (117.0 million acres) and the soybean yield will be 3,642 kg/ha (54.2 bu/ac). Conab is estimating the crop at 166.2 million tons and the USDA is estimating the crop at 169.0 million tons.