Sep 19, 2024

Soybean Planting in Southern Brazilian State of Parana Reaches 1%

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Farmers in the southern Brazilian state of Parana have planted 1% of their anticipated 2024/25 soybean acreage according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). Planting started last weekend with the arrival of the first summer rain and the planting pace should accelerate this week with additional rain.

Deral is estimating that farmers in the state will plant a record 5.8 million hectares of soybeans in 2024/25 (14.3 million acres) and the state will produce between 21 to 23 million tons of soybeans. If the yields are good, farmers are expected to make a profit with stable soybean prices and reduced cost of inputs.

Parana is Brazil's second largest soybean producing state after Mato Grosso and farmers are hoping for a rebound from a disappointing 2023/24 crop. Conab recently estimated that Brazil will produce 166.28 million tons of soybeans in 2024/25 which is up 12.8% compared to 2023/24.